Saturday, August 22, 2009

Zoey Missing Mommy

Clay likes to grab out the camera whenever he gets a chance. This day he pulled it our right after I had left for work. This is one of the many reasons I DON'T WANT TO WORK!! Zoey would go through phases where she'd cry and scream when I left or be happy and wave and stuff. Now that I work at 6 am I don't even get to see her before I leave (this makes mommy sad). But, I know she's in good hands with my amazing husband Clay. He says that even on her angry days she only cries/fusses for like 2 minutes and then is fine. I think it's because he tempts her with food!

Oh second though, maybe she's just crying because Daddy has the camera out again?!!!

PS: she does miss her dad too when he's not around. She always points to picutres of him and says 'Dadda'!


Dani said...

awe so sad!

Mike and Jen said...

Those are fabulous sad face! What a cute girl!