So I was going through the photos for the last few posts I've done and came across these pictures. I just had to share them with everyone! America's Next Top Model has been doing all day episodes and I've recorded a bunch to watch (there's not much on during the summer). Anyways, when I saw these photos I thought they made a cute mini photo shoot for Zoey.
It all started when Clay and I were cleaning up the house and Clay put this bag of trash by the door to take out. We kept cleaning and when we looked over she was laying her head on the bag like a pillow! Once Clay pulled out the camera she immediately started posing! These are my favorites.
I LOVE this head tilt!
After a few shots we finally got the one we were going for. Don't worry, the trash bag didn't have anything bad in it, and it was well tied up!
Oh, and Zoey's not quite opening them yet (thank goodness) but she can reach the doors. She does like to play with the locks on the knobs! That's why we don't let her play in her room by herself just yet, I'm afraid she'll lock herself in!
Enjoy -
XXXVV Still? Really!
2 years ago