Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Zoey...

Ok, so as my sister pointed out to me it's been awhile since I've blogged. I know, I've been busy! I don't have much time even right this moment but here's a few quick pictures of Zoey for your enjoyment...Zoey LOVES books. She goes from book to book to book all night long once we get home. She usually only looks at a book for all of five seconds before going on to another except she does have a few favorites, like this one, it's Noah's ABC's, it's a cute little board book with flaps (she LOVES flap books). Her other favorite is a farm animal book, she even knows what sound the doggies makes! It's so cute when she goes 'woof woof.'

Here is an adorable picture of Zoey in her Great Wall of China Pj's. Yes these Pj's are actually from China. Grandma and Grandpa Irving went to visit China and brought these back for her. They are one of her (and mommy and daddy's) favorite pair of Pj's. We don't have many short ones so she wears these on especially hot nights.

Well Amy, there you go! I hope you enjoyed my little post and maybe I'll be better at posting again one day! We love ya'll!


Aimers said...

Aw, I'm so proud!!!
All I remember is you being on my case when I first got a blog, so I firgured it was pay-back time.
Anyways, Zoey gets more cute by the pic! Can't wait to see you guys again, and hope you had a blast in OK.

Love ya!

Anna said...

Hey! She is getting big!

I got you a cute little pair of earrings from Italy-hope you have pierced ears, otherwise you'll have to have a weird hat pin!

Anonymous said...

Cool PJ's!! How cool is that!